Dr Tea Delivers Texts to Donald Trump @ DT time

Dr. Tea (President of the World Tea Organization) delivers texts to  Donald Trump (President of the United States) @ Data Technology Time:

Congratulations!President Donald Trump! Congratulations for being elected as the President of the United States, one of the greatest nation the world have ever had! In fact you are only at the starting point of realizing your dream. That is “Make America Great Again”! And I do believe you can make your dream come true! You win the election at this DT (Data Technology) time of human history and you win because of the timing, the period of time of internet (Data Technology) of being open, fair, transparent and more opportunities for those who are with the mood of integrity and serving. You, D T, win because of DT, and that is the thing that can lead you even further for realizing your dreams of making America great again. I, D T(Dr. Tea) wish you keep that in mind and move forward more steadily!This is the time of sharing and devotion, the more you put your mind in taking care of your people and with the same mood towards the world, the more you will benefit from that, that is the mystery and power of the DT time. You had been very successful as yourself in the past as a businessman. At this time of being American President, you have more power and you deserve more expectations. I, D T(Dr. Tea) do have the expectation from you that, as a person with the name of D T and win at the DT time, do not forget your mission and vision. And at this D T time, we, everybody of the world, especially you are in charge of the most influential country in the world, should focus on collaboration, with China, Russia etc fighting for the “third world war” as Jack Ma of Alibaba said, we should fight against poverty, disease, cancer, environmental pollution, terrorism, inequality etc. We should have the D T mood of working together for a better “Healthy Harmony Pure Nature” society for all human beings! I wish America great again! I wish you be a deserving person as you have went all the way through! Remember, you are D T, and we all deserve and fighting for a better DT time for human beings!

And as a tea expert, I would love to teach you how to use Gaiwan to drink the Trump Tea, so that in those big events like G20 or UN meeting, you will become highly respected.

Best Regards

Dr. Tea

President of the World Tea Organization

(WTeaO.org [email protected] 1-225-3041387)

Nov. 9th. 2016

Update Nov 10th:

Dr. Tea is very happy that President-elect Donald Trump created the website: greatagain.gov. for sharing of ideas, to learn from people`s talent on how to make America great! This will help making America Great Again.

Today at MIT Lobby 7, Professors, students and anyone can share their fear and hope. It is great thing. Dr. Tea would love to recommend  D Trump to come to MIT to read and learn from it. Learning from the words of those who vote for other side after successful election is the best way to learn and improve. And a meeting to MIT is a great way to learn and to fix the difference and working together to Make America Great Again at the D T time!(Data Technology Time: opening, transparent, sharing, devotion, developing; Donald Trump Time:Make America Great Again; Dr. Tea Time: Healthy Harmony Pure Nature)

  • there is fear, there is hope



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    Chinese Foreign Ministry: US President enjoys tea

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Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus: World Tea Organization Advisory Board President

恭喜川普总统,希望川普总统在未来的路上能够走的更稳健 中美俄等更加友好真诚的携手迈进DT时代 一起应对人类的“第三次世界大战”:共同消除疾病 消除饥贫 消除癌症 消除不公 打击恐怖 共同营造更加美好的环境与人类健康 推进更加“自然 健康 纯美 和谐”的人类共同未来—WTeaO.org mylovetea.com 茶博士 (微信:drtea1)