Tea Ceremony
Featuring Xingcai Zhang, tea master and president, World Tea Organization.
11 am and 1 pm, Gallery 268
Museum of Fine Arts
Xingcai Zhang, tea master and president of the World Tea Organization is hosting a tea ceremony! Presented by @BCNCInc. #LunarNewYear

Dear Xingcai,
On behalf of the MFA, I want to thank you and the members of your team and BCNC for working with us on an amazing Lunar New Year event!
We welcomed over 12,124 visitors to the Museum last Saturday–a 15% increase over 2018 and the third highest attended day ever at the MFA! All performances, demonstrations and gallery spaces were at capacity with long lines stretching along Huntington Avenue well in to the late afternoon. The day ran very smoothly with everyone working extremely hard so that visitors had a great experience.
Our collaboration and support from the BCNC and your team was crucial to this achievement and success—we truly could not have done it without you!
Please convey my thanks to everyone who was here that day to serve the thousands of happy museumgoers. Happy Year of the Pig!
All my best,

See also reports by Tufts Daily:https://tuftsdaily.com/arts/2019/02/13/mfa-commemorates-lunar-new-year-festive-celebration/
Comments by wteao
Prof. Shen Dongmei`s New Book on Tea
Rajiv Rochan---“ambassador of tea” of India in China, India Director ...