Congratulations to Professor Wang Xufeng, Executive Director of the Chinese International Tea Culture Promotion Base, for being awarded the Advanced Individual of Zhejiang G20 Hangzhou Summit! Chinese Tea Culture Promotion Base is a China national level tea culture promotion institution. It plays an important role in promoting the development of Chinese tea culture in China and all over the world. It is also the Chinese national institution that correspondingly supports North America Chinese Tea Association(NACTeaA). Not long ago, Deputy Prime Minister Liu Yandong spoke highly of Professor Wang Xufeng at Russian-China tea culture and books exhibition and the promotion of the tea culture across nations. Professor Wang Xufeng is also the dean of ZAFU Tea Culture College, Her representative works “tea-men trilogy” was awarded by the 1995 national “five project award” , the national eight five outstanding novel award, the fifth Mao Dun Literature Award. As the author of the tv documentary “tea, the story of a leaf” makes her a world famous expert in tea culture! She and China national level tea institutes are the main partner in China with North America Chinese Tea Association(NACTeaA), and Dr. Tea in holding the World Tea Day, which get worldwide influence.  Dr. Tea Thanks to the outstanding contribution of President Wang Xunfeng and the support of the North America Chinese Tea Association(NACTeaA). We wish the Chinese International Tea Culture Promotion Base, Professor Wang Xufeng, and the world of tea getting better and better!—Dr. Tea (Xingcai Zhang) President of World Tea Organization / North America Chinese Tea Association

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恭喜汉语国际推广茶文化传播基地执行主任王旭烽教授荣获浙江省G20杭州峰会工作先进个人!汉语国际推广茶文化传播基地是中国国家级的茶文化专门推广机构,对于推广中国茶文化在中国和世界上的发展起到了重要作用,是对北美华茶驿站进行对应支持的中国国家机构,也是世界各地华茶机构有重要指导建设影响的国家级机构,不久前刘延东副总理在俄罗斯茶文化与图书基地现场对王旭烽教授和茶文化推广的意义和价值也给予了很高的评价,王旭烽教授还是浙江农林大学茶文化学院院长,浙江省作家协会副主席,其代表作品《茶人三部曲》获1995年度国家“五个一工程”奖、国家八五计划优秀长篇小说奖、第五届茅盾文学奖。总撰稿的《茶,一片树叶的故事》更使她成为享誉中外的茶文化专家!感谢王旭烽院长的杰出贡献和对北美华茶驿站的鼎力支持,共同举办的全民饮茶日world tea day更是成为有世界性影响的茶界盛事!祝愿汉语国际推广茶文化传播基地和王旭烽教授以及中国和世界茶的世界都越来越好[玫瑰][咖啡][玫瑰]!—世界茶叶组织/北美华茶驿站/ 茶博士

China`s vice Premier iuyandong speak highly of Prof. wang-xufeng
China`s vice Premier iuyandong speak highly of Prof.  wang-xufeng
Chinese International Tea Culture Promotion Base
Chinese International Tea Culture Promotion Base
Prof. Wang-Dr, Tea-group at boston tea party
NACTeaA Dr Tea Prof Wang
Prof Wang Xufeng & Dr. Tea (Xingcai Zhang)china-india-tea-ambassador


prof. wang`s tea books
prof. wang`s tea books




另:有兴趣加入世界茶叶组织和北美华茶驿站做志愿者来发挥特长和增进履历光辉,或者合作的,可以联系[email protected] 微信:drtea1

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    Chinese Foreign Ministry: US President enjoys tea