Prof Yoo Yang-Seok, Advisor of World Tea Organization (

Executive Director Korean Tea Society; Advisor Myungwon Cultural Foundation

Dr. Yoo Yang-Seok is a professor at college of general education, Kookmin University. He is a vice chairman of Korean Tea Society, the oldest and highly regarded tea academic society in Korea. He is the author of the first comprehensive book about Korean tea culture in English, ‘The Book of Korean Tea’ in 2007. He is nationally recognised as a key contributor to Korean tea culture development and worldwide collaborations. Dr. Yoo has received numerous awards from regional governments, cultural and academic institutions for his contributions to the tea industry.

Yoo Yang-Seok 博士是世界茶叶组织顾问团成员之一,现就职于韩国国民大学,担任该校通识学院教授。作为韩国国内历史最为悠久、广受赞誉的韩国茶叶学会副主席,他于2007年撰写了韩国第一本英文版综合茶文化专著,《韩国茶典》。Yoo Yang-Seok 博士在韩国茶文化界享有盛誉,且为韩国茶文化的发展和国际推广做出了巨大的贡献;他曾收获来自地方政府、文化和学术机构等的众多奖项,以表彰其对韩国茶产业所做出的贡献。