Tea Made in Italy triumphs in China
Tea is the oriental beverage par excellence, but who says tea can not also be Made in Italy?
We are in Piedmont region in the province of Verbania, situated in the north-west of Italy, on the border with Switzerland, at the foot of the Alps, an area renowned for its superb camellias, because the tea plant is also Camellia, namely the “sinensis” species. It is here where, for three years, experiments have been carried out on the cultivation of tea that is fully Italian, organic and 100% local.
That is the length of time that has lapsed since Marco Bertona (a top Italian tea expert), italian-director-of-world-tea-organization, and Paolo Zacchera (a flower-growing expert), launched their innovative project, namely to start a large-scale experimental tea plantation in an area of land that forms part of the Val Grande national park, 15 km from the Piedmont shore of Lake Maggiore.
As of today over 20,000 seedlings have been planted in an open-field system making the Verbania tea garden the biggest te plantation in Europe after the plantation of the Azores. And additionally after a long three year wait, the first harvest was reaped in May 2019.
«However», says Marco Bertona, «the mere fact of having tea plants does not mean you already have Tea. Once harvested, the tender buds are the part used to produce the tea. The finished product, in other words the dried leaves that we call “tea” is, in fact, the result of a long and complex work processing».
Marco Bertona is a professional tea taster who graduated in China at the Tea Research Institute of the Guangdong Academy of Agriculture Sciences of Guangzhou (Canton), and is director of Italy Tea and Infusions Association (ITA.Tea), and the Italian Delegate at the FAO Intergovernmental Group on Tea (IGG/Tea).
He is in fact the alchemist of Italian tea. «Unlike all other medicinal plants and herbs, of which the parts used are merely dried after harvesting, the leaves of the tea plant have to undergo several processes before they are ready for use. Depending on the kind of tea, these can take from at least two days up to several months for certain types of fermented teas. The secret of a good Tea lies, in fact, in the processing».
«Naturally», adds professor Bertona, «the botanical variety used, the growing techniques adopted, and the environment as well as the micro-climate, are all crucial for determining the quality of the green leaves. It is not until after the processing, however, that the primary aromas start to unfold and, together with the secondary aromas that then develop as a result of the different processes involved, these make that certain type of Tea so special and unique».
During the processing of the green tea leaves, a real alchemy occurs, and master Bertona seems to be a true expert in this field.
ITA.Tea & Infusions
Office +39 02 400 30 247 – Mobile +39 335 6611 662 – [email protected] – www.MaestriDelThe.it
Indeed, he used the leaves harvested in Val D’Ossola, following very specific and highly technical procedures, to produce three different kinds of tea: a white tea, a green tea and a black tea. All three kinds of tea were prepared by hand using traditional Chinese methods, also with the aid of special equipment for the hand processing of tea that was brought in specially from China.
In October, however, something totally unexpected happened. After a strict selection procedure, the Verbano Black Tea (also referred to as “red tea” in accordance with the Chinese naming system), was eligible to take part in an international contest of black teas in China, the homeland of tea. The “2019 International Black Tea Tasting Competition”.
«The fact of passing the selection for admission to the contest was not only a great honour for us, but was more than we could have ever hoped for. It was already a victory for us», says Bertona who decided to participate without being intimidated in the slightest by the competition of the other Countries participating.
The contest, which is organised by the Tea Industry Committee of China (an organisation linked with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture) and in which only producers may take part, was open to companies from the world’s major tea-producing Countries, totalling 104 competing teas, of which 72 from China and 32 from other Countries.
A trained panel of 15 international tea experts from both producing and consumers Countries, such as China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam, Kenya, the USA, Denmark, Australia, and Russia, was employed for sensory evaluation of tea samples. Before start of the evaluation a training session of 15 minutes was conducted with the judges.
Following a long, exhausting day’s work, which included tasting sessions, organoleptic evaluation and analysing thousands of figures collected from records made by the judges, it was at last time for the much-awaited final result. The total of points awarded by the international jury of experts left no doubts. The Verbano Black Tea won the Gold Award, the most coveted in its category, surpassing about a hundred candidates from the world’s greatest tea-producing Countries, including China, Nepal, Kenya, Vietnam, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, and Turkey.
This prestigious and unexpected acknowledgement is yet further confirmation of Italy’s ability to produce excellent, innovative product also in new market sectors, and master Bertona, who now rightfully deserves to be considered the Alchemist of Italian Tea, has opened the path towards a new beginning and a potential supply chain for Tea Made in Italy.
This beverage has numerous beneficial properties and is now acknowledged and accredited also at international level, and ready to become an icon of Italian beverages. It is constantly gaining approval among tea lovers and professionals in the sector such as the Tea Sommeliers certified by the Italy Tea & Infusions Association (formerly ADeMaThè), the first and oldest tea association in Italy and now the only Italian tea trade and tea professional association,an affiliation of world tea organization in Italy with Marco Bertona being the Italian director. http://wteao.org/marco-bertona-italian-director-of-world-tea-organization/ See more: http://wteao.org/about/
ITA.Tea & Infusions
Office +39 02 400 30 247 – Mobile +39 335 6611 662 – [email protected] – www.MaestriDelThe.it
Information provided by Marco Bertona
Email: [email protected] Wechat微信:drtea1 Twitter / 微信公众号/ Pinterest/ Instagram/ Google+:MyloveteaDrtea
这是马可·贝托纳 (Marco Bertona, 意大利茶业与花草茶协会主席,世界茶叶组织意大利负责人) 和保罗·扎切拉 (Paolo Zacchera, 花卉种植专家) 用了很长时间启动的一项创新项目:在距离马焦雷湖皮埃蒙特海岸15公里处的瓦尔·格兰德国家公园 (Val Grande national park) 的一片土地上建立一个大型试验性茶园。
然而,马可·贝托纳 说,“仅仅有茶树并不意味着你已经有了茶。一旦收获,嫩芽是用来生产茶叶的部分。最终的成品,也就是我们所说的“茶叶”实际上是要经过一个漫长而复杂的工序。”
马可·贝托纳 补充说:“自然地,使用的植物品种、采用的种植技术、环境以及微气候,对于绿叶的质量都是至关重要的。直到加工之后,最初的香气才开始散发出来,随后,再加上由于涉及的不同加工所产生的次要香气,使某些茶的香气变得特别和独特。”
加工刚采摘的生茶叶的过程中,真正的炼金术发生了,马可.贝托纳 似乎是这方面的真正专家。
Italy Tea & Infusions Association (ITA.Tea)
总部联系电话:(+39) 02 400 30 247 – 手机:(+39) 335 6611 662
电子邮件: [email protected]
意大利茶业与花草茶协会官网: http://www.MaestriDelThe.it
的确,他用 Val D’Ossola茶树收获的茶叶,按照非常具体和精巧的程序,制作了三种不同类型的茶:白茶、绿茶和红茶。这三种茶都是用中国传统的方法手工制作的,还使用了专门从中国引进的手工制茶的特殊设备。
“Verbano Red Tea (韦尔巴诺红茶)” 入选了”2019国际品茶大赛。”
“Verbano Red Tea (韦尔巴诺红茶)”
这一享有盛誉且出乎意料的认可进一步证明了意大利在新的市场领域也有能力产生优秀的、创新的结果,而马可·贝托纳 为意大利种植和生产的茶开辟了一条通往新起点和潜在供应链的道路。
Italy Tea & Infusions Association (ITA.Tea)
总部联系电话:(+39) 02 400 30 247 – 手机:(+39) 335 6611 662
电子邮件: [email protected]
The following information is provided by Prof. Youying Tu of Zhejiang University for the visit of Zhejing University tea students to Italy http://www.cab.zju.edu.cn/cabcx/2020/0103/c7067a1932913/page.htm?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0
2019年12月6日-12月17日,意大利“东方文化艺术节”(FESTIVAL DELL’ORIENTE)于意大利北部威尼托大区帕多瓦城隆重开幕。中国茶文化展区主要负责人—— 意大利茶业与花草茶协会 (Italy Tea & Infusions Association – ITA.Tea)主席、欧洲著名茶专家马可-贝托纳(Marco Bertona)先生邀请中国国际茶文化研究会学校茶文化与健康联盟副主席、我校茶学系屠幼英教授等师生参加“东方文化艺术节”文化交流活动,经过研究决定,派遣我系博士后校友陈红波及研究生温欣黎前往意大利参与中华茶文化的宣传和展示。

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