“World Tea Organization – World Tea Person 2017” Awards goes to:

1 Prof. Millie Dresselhaus: the most respected female scientist.

Prof. Millie
Prof. Millie
WTeaO advisory board president Millie
WTeaO advisory board president Millie: Winner of President Freedom Award
WTeaO Advisory Board President Millie awarded National Science Medal
WTeaO Advisory Board President Millie awarded National Science Medal by President Bush

2 Mr. Tianfu Zhang, 108 year old Chinese Tea Immortal  

tianfu zhang
tianfu zhang
WTeaO awards tianfu zhang
WTeaO awards tianfu zhang
Tianfu Zhang awarded by world tea organization (WTeaO.org)
Tianfu Zhang awarded by world tea organization (WTeaO.org)

3 President Jinping Xi for his speeches and signed letters on tea

WTeaO.org Xi Jinping
WTeaO.org Xi Jinping

wteao.org xi&tea

world tea organization: President Xi Jinping& Obama enjoy tea

4 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon for World Tea Day: Enjoy Tea

UN Secretary General Ben Ki-Moon
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: World Tea Day, Enjoy Tea
ban ki moon enjoy tea
ban ki moon: enjoy tea

5 Prof. Zhonghua Liu for his R&D on Dark Tea and Chinese Tea Encyclopedia

Prof Liu at Yibin World Tea Conference
Prof Liu at Yibin World Tea Conference
Tea in space
Puerh Tea in space,Prof Zhonghua Liu, Dr. Tea
Prof Liu receives NST award
Prof Liu receives NST award

6 Prof. Lizhi Gao for his breakthrough on tea tree genome

WTeaO.org Prof. Lizhi Gao
WTeaO.org Prof. Lizhi Gao
WTeaO.org Prof. Lizhi Gao
WTeaO.org Prof. Lizhi Gao

  • Chinese Foreign Ministry: US President enjoys tea
    Chinese Foreign Ministry: US President enjoys tea

“世界茶叶组织·2017世界茶人奖”名单正式公布(排名不分先后):Millie教授(影响世界女科学家),张天福老茶仙(108岁“茶仙茶寿终生成就奖”获得者),习近平主席(茶的演讲传播者及签署推动者),潘基文联合国秘书长(“world tea day, enjoy tea”世界饮茶日,吃茶去”的签名支持者),刘仲华教授(黑茶研究国家科技进步奖得主/中华茶通典总典长),高立志教授(茶叶基因组突破性研究者)。获奖详情可参看 http://wteao.org/world-tea-person-2017/ 及其中链接。感恩2016有您们的温暖相伴,2017有您们的芳华,感恩您们在世间播种的“自然 健康 纯美 和谐”的茶种!“驾鹤含仙草 成仙展童眉 晶莹天地美 祥瑞送春回” !祝愿我们共同拥有一个更加美好的茶世界!— WTeaO.org

For more information about World Tea Organization http://wteao.org/about/: please feel free to contact [email protected]WTeaO.org, or call 225-304-1387 or http://wteao.org/contact/.

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